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How to Market with YouTube

Too many businesses are ignoring the second largest search engine on the planet. Look at these YouTube statistics.

• 3.5 billion searches per day are conducted on YouTube
• 73% of U.S. adults use YouTube
• 78% of U.S. male adults use YouTube
• 68% of U.S. female adults use YouTube
• 77% of 15 to 25-year-olds in the U.S. use YouTube
• 77% of 26 to 35-year-olds from the U.S. use YouTube
• 51% of YouTube users say they visit the site daily
• 37% of Millennials aged 18 to 34 are binge-watching YouTube daily

Businesses spend a lot of money and effort promoting their company’s website because they want to be found in the search results. It is equally important to be found in the YouTube search results.

There is a company called, Trotec, that manufactures laser cutters. These machines cut, mark and engrave a wide variety of materials and can be used to do wood engravings, cut parts out of many materials, cut cloth into intricate patterns, etch glass, and do a thousand other things. Trotec started creating videos showing what their machines could make. They currently have 175 videos on their YouTube channel and 22,600 subscribers interested in knowing what can be created. Every time they post a new video, 22,600 people get a notice to watch the new video.

Not only have they built a community of people interested in laser cutters, they dominate the search results for anyone searching related topics. Go to the Search Box on the YouTube page and type in, “laser cutter projects leather.” Trotec is first in the search results.

Why have so many businesses ignored YouTube as an advertising platform? First, it takes some resources to create a video each week. Second, it takes a change in thinking to effectively utilize YouTube. Instead of following the old paradigm of publishing ads that promote a product or service, businesses must view YouTube like any other Social Media platform and answer the question, “What content can I deliver that gives something to my followers, friends or subscribers?”

Trotec does this by offering useful ideas. Instead of posting videos that say, “Hey, look at the features of our laser cutter!” They post videos like, “Today, we are going to show you how to engrave a picture or text on a coffee mug. You can do this, too!”

Creating content that is useful to the community is a mental challenge. Turning that content into a weekly video is a production challenge. Arizona Filmworks meets both challenges. We have experienced scriptwriters who understand messaging, branding, marketing and writing. We meet the mental challenge and show you what to present. Arizona Filmworks meets the production challenge because we have the experience, expertise and equipment to produce awesome videos quickly and easily.

YouTube, with 3.5 billion searches a day, is critical to any marketing effort. Get ahead of your competition. Dominate the search results. Get Arizona Filmworks on your side. Call us before your competition does.

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